Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nursing survival skills - Nurses eating their young

We posted a myspace page. Here is the link for the myspace page.
This blog is for Danielle Mudd, Erica Shipley, and Wendy Thomas


Anonymous said...

I checked out your myspace! Good color scheme... I think you should make your profile picture Nurse Rachet!!! LOL! Interesting topic, hope we all remember what it is like to be a student and are good role models in the future for new nurses.

Sandy Kim

Lyn said...

What a good topic! I think perhaps some of us may have had an experience with a 'Nurse Rachet' during our preceptorship. Good advice with great insight on your page. Plus, it looks good too.

Lyn Yorgensen

Jen said...

I think this is very appropriate for what we are about to endevor as new nurse grads. We need to keep in mind that how people treat us since we are new will not always be the case seeing that we will not be new for long. Taking things with a grain of salt and learning what we can from different experiences is a skill that needs to be had by all. Nice job integrating cohesiveness in the workplace into your posting. Great job overall!

MRSA said...

Groovy myspace page! Great info! I like the "Nurse Ratchet" theme. This is a very suitable topic that requires a solution STAT lol. I find the concept of ‘Nurses eating their young’ to be very strange, considering we are in a profession that epitomizes caring and compassion.

sandjcomp said...

Great job and very relevant topic for all of us. I have definitely had some experience with nurses who are not "student friendly" and it has actually helped me learn to to be a better nurse.

Christopher Johnston said...

It’s hard to believe that with this large of a crisis; experienced nurses would treat new nurses so harshly. More new nurses means less stress and safer practice. It seems a shame for someone to put so much energy into treating a new employee like poo when that energy could be spent passing on his or her knowledge to the next generation.
Great topic!!

heidi1185 said...

This was a great topic to choose. Your information was presented very well. I think we have all had a bad experience with a nurse. Hopefully we will all learn from that and choose to do things differently when we begin working with nursing students and new grads.

John Miller said...

Sry, but need you to create a link from Blogger, is not that hard, no searching for me.

sasi rekha said...

it was actually very dis d upcomin nurses'll cum 2 knw d various malpractice suits.......